Speaking in tongues: Young Cambodians learning foreign languages to improve economic opportunities

In the globalised world, being able to communicate in more than one language is becoming essential for many people seeking rewarding careers. Young Cambodians have taken this message to heart and are learning… Cambodia is slowly moving up the development ladder but low-wage factory labour still predominates. Despite the increase in the minimum wage from $61 to $80 per month for workers in the huge garment sector in May, many workers still feel they are treated unfairly by employers. As a result, a lot of young people are looking abroad for study and work opportunities. … During the first three months of this year, Cambodia sent 4,779 workers to Thailand, South Korea and Japan, according to official statistics from the Ministry of Labour. Most are working in factories and and construction in Thailand, manufacturing, agriculture and fishing in South Korea, and in small industries in Japan. Migrant workers send home about $200 million a year, the ministry said. According to Mr Kay of the Phnom Penh Post, South Korea has a solid reputation among Cambodians for higher pay and good working conditions, backed by a labour agreement between the two governments. South Korea thus a preferred destination compared with other countries, including Malaysia where reports of abuse and exploitation of underage workers have persisted. Last year more than 7,000 Cambodians migrated to South Korea. Many young Cambodians are now interested in learning the Korean language, not only to work in the East Asian country, but also to serve as our guides for Koreans or assistants to Korean investors in Cambodia. …
